Top 3 Tips to Get You Started as a Paid Speaker

Showing up isn’t worth Jack these days.

In fact, it never was.

Showing up AND getting paid to speak up is different.

Because you're communicating in a strategic way that's relevant and meaningful to others. Now that's worth something. It's about selling your expertise AND getting in front of a captive audience (lead gen!).  

It’s a smart way of doing business that requires a tinge of boldness and self-confidence. 

It’s not about being pushy or arrogant.

It’s knowing deep in your heart that your knowledge and experiences will impact people who hear you.

It’s you knowing that your voice matters. 

And it does.

The question is: Are you bold enough to pitch yourself to event organizers who can book you? 

Look, anyone can take up space. It's a higher-level conversation when you're paid as a subject matter expert. more hiding. 😍

Here are my 3 top ways to get in the door with people who can book you to speak online and on stage: 

1. Frame your message for the audience. Decisionmakers who pick your proposal over competitors are saying they like your hook. They believe your perspective will spark curiosity and keep the interest of attendees. When that happens, they look good. And so do you. 

2. Show event organizers you “get” them. Can you articulate your topic in 1 or 2 crystal clear and concise sentences? Forget your credentials for now and focus on your writing and messaging. When you nail your proposal, then the decision-makers will look at your qualifications.

3. Know where you fit in. Take time for due diligence and find out the theme of the meeting or conference you’re pitching. Weave it into the title of your talk so that it makes sense with the big picture of the program. Show the organizers you’re sharp and creative. 

When you have an interesting proposal that is well thought out, you have a better chance of getting hired.  

Maybe you’ve been thinking about being a paid speaker.

Maybe it’s been calling you and you don’t know where or how to begin.

Or you could already be speaking onstage and on line and you just need some new tips.

If this sounds familiar, check out my free live training on Wednesday, Oct. 19th. I’ll show you how to find the right contacts who can book you! Here’s the link with details


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