Consider this if you struggle to introduce yourself, believing you don't need to prepare a 30-second elevator pitch.
Would YOU hire YOU?
Winging it.
Missing the mark.
Clueless about prospects' needs and desires.
Here's the solution so that your networking generates new business.
Harness the power of your words.
Be intentional with how you articulate your value.
Every word wields power.
When you write your introduction and OWN it, people pay attention.
On we go.
A/E/C = Processes.
Networking and business growth = People.
Then processes.
First, you metaphorically nudge the door open.
Focus your 30-second elevator pitch on the other person.
Processes take more than 30 seconds and are cumbersome.
Your job in business development and shortlisted meetings is to avoid cumbersome.
Instead, pique people's curiosity. There's no need to be a walking bid package.
Nudge the door open.
Be interesting so they are interested.
When a prospect invites you to a meeting or coffee, ease into the process. But only if asked.
The best place to be in business is in someone else's head.
Don’t tell prospects everything you do. Introductions are often like that.
A verbal vomit.
Share the right things.
Tell them the right things in an order that makes sense to where they aspire to be.
Our brains need info that flows logically and seamlessly.
Your prospect wants to quickly understand in an easy and clear way what your expertise means to them.
How is your business going to help THEM?
Your introduction and message aren't about you. (Helloooo!)
Oh, people may look interested.
Don't be fooled. Your process and credentials only matter when someone asks about them.
That's because people care about themselves. They want to know how you can make their life easier.
Until then, they don't give a rat’s ass about how you work your magic.
The tricky communication part is that no one tells you this!
People want to be polite (most of the time).
But I know that in business, the best place you can...
Entrepreneurs are rarely short on ideas.
And then we tell ourselves: I have no idea where to start.
Let's ban the phrase, I have no idea where to start.
It’s a familiar and comfortable narrative that has you brainwashed into believing you're stuck.
I’m calling you out on this BS because your internal story is blocking your business growth.
You insist you're clueless and instead focus on external messaging like ad copy, SEO, and email automation.
Here's the thing.
Your internal messaging is more important than anything else.
Because marketing rarely works when your internal story keeps hammering that you have no idea what to do.
Our words create our worlds.
And our communication is “an inside job” that no SEO guru can tweak.
When you start with Step 1 and commit to cleaning up your internal story, you'll have:
Qualified leads and decision-makers joining your list and...
Humans are born with only 2 fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises.
Science proves it.
Everything else you’re afraid of was learned, most likely in your childhood (0-7 years old)
And we carry these fears—and the stories behind them—with us…for years.
• You talk about being afraid of heights.
• You talk about being afraid of dogs, spiders, or snakes.
• You talk about your fear of public speaking. Then, you give momentum to your (learned) story by talking about the presentation you messed up…in 2012.
Our words create our worlds.
And they usually keep us from growing ourselves and our businesses.
So, what are you afraid of, aside from maybe falling and loud noises?
My client, Don, was reflecting with me about how transformative this fear lesson has been for him.
Don’s a super smart techie.
He was studying computer languages long before the rest of us found the Internet.
His programs have been used by the Pentagon and...
I talk A LOT about how to introduce yourself so you are seen and heard --and grow your business.
I am obsessed with my work not because people walk away with a concise introduction.
Something is hiding deep beneath the words. And it has become my mission.
It’s the real reason I do what I do. It has taken me a lifetime—59 years and torrents of tears—to understand my fixation on other people's stories.
It began when I was four years old. I didn't speak.
My parents thought I was deaf, but the doctor told them I was fine.
He said I didn't talk because I communicated in a way that didn't require words. When I was hungry, I’d bang on the refrigerator.
No words or voice were necessary.
So, what does a little girl who did not speak until age 4 do with her life?
I went to college and majored in mass communications. Go figure.
I quickly found the campus radio station, a place filled with microphones and speakers...
I want to get in front of people who can hire me; I want to grow my business!
That’s what I’ve been hearing these past few weeks on social media and from my own client calls.
Look, social media gives each of us access to the masses.
So, it’s not hard to get in front of people—even the right people who are your dream clients.
Still, there’s a challenge that most entrepreneurs and coaches don’t recognize.
It’s this: What do you SAY when you get in front of your peeps?
If you’re like most of my clients, when we first start working together, they say the same thing.
You’re not alone…
My coaching client, attorney and DEI advocate Diana Patton, beautifully used the ‘bridge and guide’ technique I teach for messaging and introductions.
She seized the opportunity to self-promote during a recent morning TV interview.
The original topic for Diana’s segment was health and wellness.
So, how was Diana able to blend and weave in her angle about the advocacy and diversity work she does?
It’s all about paying deep attention in media interviews...and sales conversations.
I teach you how to listen closely and think on your feet so that you know precisely where and how to weave in your sound bites, control your message, and self-promote with confidence.
Conversations will flow naturally and easily while you stay on point.
And if you want to talk strategy around your story and how to share it with dream clients, apply now for a free Story Power Session.
A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants