Humans are born with only 2 fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises.
Science proves it.
Everything else you’re afraid of was learned, most likely in your childhood (0-7 years old)
And we carry these fears—and the stories behind them—with us…for years.
• You talk about being afraid of heights.
• You talk about being afraid of dogs, spiders, or snakes.
• You talk about your fear of public speaking. Then, you give momentum to your (learned) story by talking about the presentation you messed up…in 2012.
Our words create our worlds.
And they usually keep us from growing ourselves and our businesses.
So, what are you afraid of, aside from maybe falling and loud noises?
My client, Don, was reflecting with me about how transformative this fear lesson has been for him.
Don’s a super smart techie.
He was studying computer languages long before the rest of us found the Internet.
His programs have been used by the Pentagon and...
I am LOVING my amazing client who brought in more money in Q4 of 2021 than all 3 previous quarters combined!
Yep, John Woods beat a big competitor in the employee health benefits field.
The contract was worth $61,000.
Here's the kicker: John had his best year—during the Pandemic! (Most of my other clients have as well )
How did this banner year happen when John's marketing was inconsistent and paid ads didn't convert?
John says the results **finally** showed up…WHEN HE SHOWED UP, for himself. He made a commitment to private coaching with me.
And I immediately nailed John's real issue.
It had ZILCH to do with marketing.
John had to clear out the blocks around his internal story and self-worth.
John had never heard this from other coaches or consultants.
He had to love his story --and himself--so decision-makers could appreciate his value and approach--and hire him.
Bottom line: If...
I want to get in front of people who can hire me; I want to grow my business!
That’s what I’ve been hearing these past few weeks on social media and from my own client calls.
Look, social media gives each of us access to the masses.
So, it’s not hard to get in front of people—even the right people who are your dream clients.
Still, there’s a challenge that most entrepreneurs and coaches don’t recognize.
It’s this: What do you SAY when you get in front of your peeps?
If you’re like most of my clients, when we first start working together, they say the same thing.
You’re not alone…
Celebrating my INCREDIBLE client John Woods who is adding $250,000 in new business over the next 12 months (a 400% ROI) during the Pandemic while using my Story Funnel System!
And that’s only for part of his business!
John and I met when I was the keynote speaker at a Mastermind coaching program he was in.
Even though my presentation was online, John and I were able to connect quickly.
Yes, he was already enrolled in a high-level and high-priced business coaching program.
Still, something was missing around his message and mindset that kept him from reaching his true potential as an entrepreneur.
When the virus hit 18 months ago, John knew it was finally time to clean up his messaging and communication so he could speak confidently with corporate CFOs and close more clients.
...My coaching client, attorney and DEI advocate Diana Patton, beautifully used the ‘bridge and guide’ technique I teach for messaging and introductions.
She seized the opportunity to self-promote during a recent morning TV interview.
The original topic for Diana’s segment was health and wellness.
So, how was Diana able to blend and weave in her angle about the advocacy and diversity work she does?
It’s all about paying deep attention in media interviews...and sales conversations.
I teach you how to listen closely and think on your feet so that you know precisely where and how to weave in your sound bites, control your message, and self-promote with confidence.
Conversations will flow naturally and easily while you stay on point.
And if you want to talk strategy around your story and how to share it with dream clients, apply now for a free Story Power Session.
I keep hearing people talking about their coaches—business, marketing, Mastermind groups, sales…on and on. “I’m working on my online presence and SEO…” and “I’ve got accountability partners in my sales coaching…” and “I’m in a high-level group with ---"
If you’ve been working with coaches either privately or in groups, I wanna let you in on a little secret.
Actually, it's not a little secret- it's a HUGE secret that will make ALL the difference when it comes to your ability to get amazing, like-minded ideal clients excited to invest with you.
The secret is: You don’t need more Instagram posts or lead gen to grow your business and live your dream life. YOU are the message and you're likely repelling prospects and it has nothing to do with your posts OR the quality...
This is taken from today's Facebook Live in my FB group, Communication Nation. Join the group to watch the full video training.
A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants