Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Nobody’s Talking at the Airport—and That’s a Problem

I flew from Texas to New Jersey a few days ago.
I saw really long, beautiful lines at the airports.
Lines to check bags.
Lines to get through security.
Lines to buy food.
Certainly, a lovely sight as we emerge from the Pandemic.
Still, one thing really frightened me.
Even with the big crowds, the noise levels were incredibly low.
There wasn’t much chatter.
Or small talk.
Everyone was keeping to themselves.
Everyone was plugged into technology with earbuds that kept them closed off from the real-life experience of being out with other human beings.
And it’s not just at the airport.
It’s everywhere…the store, restaurants, the gym.
Our faces are in our phones.
Our brains are distracted and somewhere else.
Our earbuds turn us inward and keep us stuck in our own heads. In...
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Why You Must Surround Yourself with Smart People

Leaders are not supposed to know everything.

Plain and simple.

People everywhere—whether they are entrepreneurs, stay-at-home parents or retired—most often succeed when they are willing to ask for help.

They are smart about their strengths and weaknesses. 

{Untangle Your Words and Share Your Story. Learn the Story Magnets Method. Save Now for New Class- Starts Jan. 4th! Click Here for Details!} 

Like many entrepreneurs, I used to think that asking for help or admitting you don’t know something was a sign of weakness. But a few years into my entrepreneurial journey, I began thinking about delegation as a sign of humility; of being a human being. 

You just can't know everything.

No one does. And no one ever will.

Leaders appreciate and respect what they knowand don’t know.

They don’t see themselves as incompetent. They take a different approach by knowing they don't have to know everything.

Instead, successful folks look for people...

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How to Stand Out on Social Media

So many  folks are grappling with the question: How can I get noticed when there  are millions of people on the internet?

I get this question time and time again so I want to share my secret stand out skills. They apply to you as well. 


Let's go back to pre-social media before t{he onslaught of technology. 

Think 1970-ish. Think experiential learning. 

The real lessons on how to stand out for me came from my home life, not my work life.

It's done the same way today, whether you're on Zoom webinar, a group meeting or in person. We are all...still people.  

Finding your way

I learned how to get people's attention from my extended family, especially on my mom's side. We are all incredibly close with cherished relationships with many cousins and relatives.

East Coast. Boisterous. Quick-witted.

And there are a lot of us. 

Even though I’m the...

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Still Unsure About Your Messaging?

I keep hearing people talking about their coaches—business, marketing, Mastermind groups, sales…on and on. “I’m working on my online presence and SEO…” and “I’ve got accountability partners in my sales coaching…” and “I’m in a high-level group with ---"  

If you’ve been working with coaches either privately or in groups, I wanna let you in on a little secret.  


Actually, it's not a little secret- it's a HUGE secret that will make ALL the difference when it comes to your ability to get amazing, like-minded ideal clients excited to invest with you.

The secret is: You don’t need more Instagram posts or lead gen to grow your business and live your dream life. YOU are the message and you're likely repelling prospects and it has nothing to do with your posts OR the quality...

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Stop Selling and Focus on People: My Interview with Seth Godin


The days of B2B and B2C sales models never existed, according to business author Seth Godin.

During a recent interview, Godin told me that behind every business is a human being who makes purchasing decisions.

Transcript: (Seth Godin) “When you’re selling to a business, you’re not really selling to a business. Businesses don’t buy anything; people buy things.

The person at Ford buying brake lines, doesn’t need brake lines. They need a story to tell their boss. Because they’re not actually on the assembly line, they are the purchaser.

We sell stories. The shift now is that there’s way more people to connect with, which is good. But, those connections are way more difficult because there are way more people to connect with. So, we have this challenge. Which is stop being bureaucratic and understand that people are going to buy a story that increases their status based on what’s important to them.”


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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants