Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




The 1 Trait You Need to Close More Sales

In elementary school, most of the girls I knew were told they “talk too much in class.”

Both of my sisters got those lovely comments on their report cards from time to time.

Not me.

I was a roamer.

I didn’t talk all that much; I wanted out. Out of whatever classroom I was in.


I have insatiable curiosity.

I saw myself as “life’s little observer.”

 I always sensed that something interesting was happening…somewhere else.

And I was hell-bent on finding out where it was, who was involved, how things were playing out, and even why.

My modus operandi was simple. Ask for a bathroom pass or volunteer to deliver something to the library, office, or anywhere.

And get the hell out.

I felt like Maya Angelou’s “caged bird” trapped in Mrs. Rosenthal’s 3rd-grade classroom.

Of course, the tall people in charge at Woodbrook Elementary School –and my parents—weren’t keen on this roaming thing. (Wasn't I a...

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Your Story Is Right Under Your Nose

Are you busy scrambling to figure out how much to share, what to say, and how to reach your prospects?

Well, all the stories you need are right here… right now.

They’re literally under your nose. Let me share a quick story with you as an example.

One of my clients is working with me to get clarity on her message.

She’s hyper-focused on sharing the “right” story so she can attract dream clients who will love her new offerings and enroll in them.

So, on a recent coaching call, we hopped on Zoom and exchanged some pleasantries.

And she shared that the past week had been off-the-charts stressful.

Her college-age, athletic son had suddenly become really sick and needed two emergency surgeries.

She had been traveling and told me the remarkable story of her flight back home to her family.

Serendipitously, she found herself seated next to a pastor’s wife who offered comfort and conversation.

Both women were super grateful for the encounter. She walked...

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants