Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




The Instant Way to Connect and Communicate That You Probably Don't Know

Ever feel like you're "talking past" someone?

It's super frustrating.

It's like you're speaking Spanish, and they're speaking French.

Of course, there is confusion and misunderstanding!

Uncertainty runs rampant in A/E/C because most people aren't aware of our three main communication modalities.

It's important to know YOUR preferred style of communicating.

But to grow profits and trust, it's vital to identify other peoples' preferences.

Then, you'll feel more self-assured because you speak the same language. 

There is less stress and fewer mixups. 

How do you get on the same page as your prospects, clients, and colleagues?

We drop subtle clues and cues about our preferred communication method in every interaction.

Knowing how to pick up the clues makes it easy to bridge communication gaps.

You'll confidently resolve conflicts when they arise.

This single transformational skill skyrocketed my business 25 years ago. I use it every...

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Elevate C-Suite Communication with These 4 Quick Questions

Hats off to A/E/C execs who admit there are weak spots in how top leaders communicate.

It's easy to look at younger staff and generational differences.

The C-suite litmus test for effective leadership is to assess your peers and colleagues. 

The upper echelons of your org chart are no different than the rank and file.

You know, the person who shows 20 pictures of his kids in a meeting.

Or the executive who misses subtle clues that others aren't paying attention.

Maybe your highly proficient peers are talking over decision-makers in meetings.

Think about top managers, directors, principals, and yourself. 

Do you know today's strategies around building trust, consensus, and influence?

They must have new tools for conflict resolution and concise agendas in meetings.

Can you share a mesmerizing story? 

Are you overdue for a communications refresher and new skills?


Why not?

Why not this?

Why not now?

Professional development...

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants