Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




The Christmas Story You May Not Know

There's nothing better than a heartwarming holiday story.

Here's one you may not have heard before.

It's from Jackie Gleason.

He portrayed Brooklyn bus driver Ralph Kramden on the 1950s TV show, "The Honeymooners." It's always been one of my favorite shows and holiday stories...

"You know something, sweetheart? Christmas is… well, it’s about the best time of the whole year.

When you walk down the streets, even for weeks before Christmas comes, and there’s lights hanging up, green ones and red ones, sometimes there’s snow and everyone’s hustling some place.

But they don’t hustle around Christmastime like they usually do.

You know, they’re a little more friendlier… they bump into you, they laugh and they say, “Pardon me. Merry Christmas”… especially when it gets real close to Christmas night.

Everybody’s walking home, you can hardly hear a sound. Bells are ringin’, kids are singing, the snow is...

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15 Communication Tips You Can Use For An Easy Thanksgiving

Shifting gears for today's post. 

I usually write about business communication.

Since most of us in the US won’t be working on Thanksgiving, we’ll have to communicate with relatives and friends.

Damn, it may be easier to go to work!

Here are 15 quick tips to help make your day festive and enjoyable.

Bookmark this post, as it will come in handy for the entire holiday season!

1. Forget previous holidays, discussions, disagreements, and conversations. Go in with a clean slate and an open mind that you will have a fabulous and relaxing day.

2. Close your mouth. Not every comment or question requires an answer. Silence and a smile are powerful. In other words, bite your tongue. This leads me to…

3. Use the phrase, “Isn’t that interesting?” If Uncle GrouchAF drops some off-color remarks, recite these three magical words. “Isn’t that interesting?” neutralizes most conversations. This phrase...

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