Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




10 Ways to Build Rapport So You Have Deeper Relationships at Work

Building rapport with others—whether it’s in person or online—takes practice. Much of it is intuitive. 

Rapport is about creating a bond, link, connection, and understanding. 

The goal is to connect and engage people so that they are thinking, feeling, reacting, and involved.

Humans crave connection and want to be understood.  

Rapport building is an art and skill in communication that’s used daily in all our relationships.

Here are 10 tips to connect and build rapport with others: 

  1. Act approachable. When mingling face-to-face, be aware of how you move and behave. Notice how confident and easy-going folks network. Use body language and gestures that are inviting. When you’re online, have a welcoming and intriguing profile or video. Smile in your profile picture; it matters! 

  2. Ask good questions. People love to talk about themselves so develop your listening skills and curiosity. Learn how to ask powerful questions and...

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The #1 Issue that Keeps Slowing Your Business Growth

I want to get in front of people who can hire me; I want to grow my business! 

That’s what I’ve been hearing these past few weeks on social media and from my own client calls. 

Look, social media gives each of us access to the masses.

So, it’s not hard to get in front of people—even the right people who are your dream clients. 

Still, there’s a challenge that most entrepreneurs and coaches don’t recognize.

It’s this: What do you SAY when you get in front of your peeps?

If you’re like most of my clients, when we first start working together, they say the same thing.

You’re not alone…

  • Maria thought her problem was only having a few small clients (and struggling to make money). Then she realized she needed the confidence to talk about herself in a big, bold way.
  • Chris thought he wasn’t closing enough sales. Then he realized he didn’t feel worthy enough to speak up. 
  • Heidi knew she...
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How Not to Screw Up Your Credibility and Introduction


 Entrepreneurs, here is a HUGE lesson from a simple 10-second interaction between a reporter and a celebrity after last night's Emmy Awards. 

Watch this video for a a priceless lesson on business growth, questions and paying attention. 

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How I Made $18,000 on Clubhouse — and How You Can, Too

It’s a word I use when I talk about my husband.
And Clubhouse.
I joined Clubhouse in January. I quickly fell in love with it. It’s audio-only so it’s perfectly in line with my style.
Maybe it’s because it’s easy—no on-camera video or long written posts.
Anyway, when I speak on Clubhouse, my delivery, style, and vibe attract people.
Many listen. Some hire me.
That’s right. I’ve generated 💰 $18,000 💰in revenue from Clubhouse, and you can, too.
Simply by knowing how to talk about yourself in a concise, helpful, and personable way so people want to connect with you.
 Here's the secret:
You don’t have to share all the details of your life and career. You just have to share the right ones at the right moment.
After finding my way around Clubhouse in those first few weeks, I quickly learned how to share my knowledge,...
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How to Stand Out on Social Media

So many  folks are grappling with the question: How can I get noticed when there  are millions of people on the internet?

I get this question time and time again so I want to share my secret stand out skills. They apply to you as well. 


Let's go back to pre-social media before t{he onslaught of technology. 

Think 1970-ish. Think experiential learning. 

The real lessons on how to stand out for me came from my home life, not my work life.

It's done the same way today, whether you're on Zoom webinar, a group meeting or in person. We are all...still people.  

Finding your way

I learned how to get people's attention from my extended family, especially on my mom's side. We are all incredibly close with cherished relationships with many cousins and relatives.

East Coast. Boisterous. Quick-witted.

And there are a lot of us. 

Even though I’m the...

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Proven Ways to Boost Your Online Networking and Land New Clients

I used to say that business cards weren’t going out of style anytime soon. With COVID-19, we're clearly not handing them out at meetings like we were pre-pandemic.

No worries. There are still plenty of meaningful ways to network in a virtual environment. The best news — no extra Zoom meetings required!

You can build a quality network to grow your business with the platforms right at your fingertips.

Consider Facebook.

These days there’s a Facebook group for just about everything.

Here's the key to finding the right one to grow your business. Join the groups and chats where your ideal client spends time.Know where they are...and GO THERE.  In my brilliance, I call this the "Know and Go " strategy.

Then, jump into discussions to connect with others who have pain points around your expertise. Build rapport and a connection...and Be the Solution. More brilliance: This is the B.S. strategy. 

When networking online: 

  • Don’t go in "sales-first"
  • Be...
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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants