Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Improving Productivity and Communication in Meetings

Understanding brain science gives you a competitive advantage in internal meetings and shortlisted interviews.

A/E/C pros are left-brain analytical thinkers who thrive on processes. 

Incorporating right-brain emotional thinking can enhance engagement and simplify tasks.

In a new workshop I delivered for the Society for Marketing Professional Services, SMPS, we covered Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). 

Seasoned leaders discovered how this business and communications methodology can save time and valuable resources.

Also, implementing these strategies can help reduce frustration levels within internal teams.

Unnecessary and unorganized meetings are among the top complaints in our group coaching and training.

Here are five crucial takeaways for improving meetings and communication:

  1. Share the agenda in advance.
  2. Follow your allotted schedule and respect other people's time. A 30-minute meeting that spirals into 90 minutes can be infuriating.
  3. Invite...
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Don't Read the Slides. Read This to Win Pursuits.

Reading slides in shortlisted interviews doesn't engage prospects.

Top-tier communicators in A/E/C know how to read the room.

Reading the room means you notice peoples' facial expressions, body language, and energy.

Do people in your presentations look distracted, impatient, or confused?

You must notice what people aren't saying.

Then, you can subtly re-engage and bring prospects back to your message without missing a beat.

Successful business development teams think on their feet in a split second. 

They know how to course correct.

There is no overwhelm or anxiety.

This technique is pivotal to winning pursuits and competitive projects.

You can learn to read the room (click the link so you can learn this skill) and form deeper connections with practice.

The slides are secondary.

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The Critical Business Angle Your Firm Needs to Beat Competitors

Angles and a 360-degree view extend beyond job sites and software.

Influential leaders are willing to explore fresh angles and perspectives in communication.

We need open minds and hearts in conversations, conflict resolution, negotiations, and presentations. 

This strategy affects creativity, confidence, and critical thinking skills. 

Can you say competitive advantage, innovation, and profitability?

New insights are necessary in conference rooms, coffee shops, and construction trailers. 

Often, there is no right or wrong. People simply have a contradictory or unique position. 

Are you open to different perspectives, views, and angles?

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants