Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Adding Curiosity to Your Communications Toolbox


We are celebrating A/E/C pros who know how to use curiosity in communication and sales.

I met Sydney Unnerstall recently. She's an emerging leader and marketing coordinator at Vessel Architecture in St. Louis.

After my communications presentation at an SMPS regional conference, Sydney jumped at the chance to transform business conversations by being curious.

"I have started asking more relevant questions and hiding less since I attended Susan's program at the SMPS conference," she said.

"These go hand-in-hand with feeling more confident as I gain experience in meetings and with clients."

You get quality information when you ask quality questions (and listen deeply).

Sydney adds a couple of more quick gems in this 30-second video.

Take a look above.  

And reach out if your emerging leaders want to be more effective communicators. Our "Amplify for Emerging Leaders" online group coaching program is now available. Details are here!

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4 Essentials to Sharing an Impactful Business Story in A/E/C


Stories connect us as human beings.

A/E/C leaders know the value of relationships and connections that build business.

Why do so few of you use the power of storytelling in business development presentations?

Most people are uncertain about what story to share and how to make it relevant to prospects. 

The key is in this 40-second clip (above) from a podcast interview with Evan Troxel, NCARB.


The full video episode is here.

Click here to access the audio file.

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Simple Communication Brings New AEC Clients


What does the "Easy" button look like for your clients? 

Keeping things simple in a complex, data-driven industry is essential.

It's about being a more effective communicator. I share insights in this 1-minute video.

Take a look. 

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How Many Questions Do You Ask in Shortlisted Meetings?

You don't have to ask more questions to close more A/E/C projects.

You have to ask better questions.

How you gather information during a presentation will differentiate your firm in shortlist interviews.

Oh, and don't forget to listen to the responses.

Quality questions bring quality information.

They also result in higher-level conversations and trust.

And more clients.

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants