Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Becoming More Approachable and Confident at A/E/C Meetings

You don't have to say anything at shortlisted interviews and networking events.

Others pick up on your body language and subconsciously decide if you are approachable.

Your nonverbal communication says it all. 

Humans are "people-watchers." 

Research has long shown that we observe more than we listen. 

Prospects and clients make snap decisions in under five seconds about whether to engage with you. 

This underscores the importance of your nonverbal cues.

How do you move and behave?

What is your face "saying" about your confidence and mood?

Are your gestures (even if you're standing alone in a luncheon) inviting and welcoming?

Yes, architecture, engineering, and construction firms hire me to teach staff how to confidently and clearly speak and deliver presentations. 

It's easy to get your words tangled. I get it.

Still, impactful communicators reach beyond their words so they win pursuits. 

They recognize that nonverbal skills are...

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Do You Know Enough About the Prospects You're Pursuing?

The phone call was from a 215-Philly area code.

Assuming it was my cousin, Marc, I picked up the phone.

To my surprise, the caller was a woman who knew my first name. 

She asked to speak with the director of technology for my firm.

As an entrepreneur for 24 years, my firm has an agile team of freelancers and part-timers. 

Interestingly, the technology department is my husband. 

He's an IT project manager working in the next room in our home.

The key takeaway from this encounter is the importance of thorough research before shortlisted interviews and networking events.

Look online for insights about people you'll be interacting with so you know their values, projects, and interests.

You'll gain valuable information and have more meaningful and memorable conversations. 

This level of preparation not only establishes trust and respect. It also fosters genuine connections with decision-makers. 

Know your audience ahead of time. 

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How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

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