Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




In Hot Pursuit of Curiosity

Communication tip for Architects, Engineers, and Construction Professionals: 

When pursuing new business, pursue curiosity at every turn of the project lifecycle.

Curiosity helps beat competitors as it: 

Engages people
Develops deep listening
Guides you to ask better questions (gather the proper intel) 
Improves critical thinking skills
and much more.

Curiosity is a business growth strategy and leadership trait that people can learn. 

Successful A/E/C project managers use it to win shortlisted interviews.

Reach out to discover how this powerful communications and marketing tool transforms your competitive advantage.

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Talking Points Are Risky Business in Communication

There is a difference between following the “stay on message” rule and answering a specific and clear question posed by a prospect or client. 

Know the difference and how to navigate these situations. 

They are significant factors; not just communication nuances. 

Your responses can influence, persuade, and build trust in A/E/C meetings. 

Or destroy your credibility and revenue.

We see it all the time in political debates. 

Don’t allow your communication strategies to backfire. 

Sticking to talking points to stay on message shows you're not paying attention. 

It shows you're not listening and thinking on your feet. 

It shows a lack of creativity and critical thinking skills. 

It shows an agenda that others probably don't want to hear in that given moment. 

Others appreciate when we connect and communicate like human beings, not scripts, templates, or talking points. 

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3 Things Powerful Presenters Do to Win New Business


Here's the secret sauce to nailing new clients.

Great news: You don't have to know everything and you don't need a script!

Take a look at this two-minute video. 

And reach out if you want your emerging leaders in A/E/C to be more effective communicators.

Our next round of Amplify (online group coaching) starts soon!

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4 Essentials to Sharing an Impactful Business Story in A/E/C


Stories connect us as human beings.

A/E/C leaders know the value of relationships and connections that build business.

Why do so few of you use the power of storytelling in business development presentations?

Most people are uncertain about what story to share and how to make it relevant to prospects. 

The key is in this 40-second clip (above) from a podcast interview with Evan Troxel, NCARB.


The full video episode is here.

Click here to access the audio file.

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Simple Communication Brings New AEC Clients


What does the "Easy" button look like for your clients? 

Keeping things simple in a complex, data-driven industry is essential.

It's about being a more effective communicator. I share insights in this 1-minute video.

Take a look. 

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The Best Questions to Ask When You Lose a Bid Proposal

If you want quality information, you've got to ask quality questions.

Waiting to hear back on a bid proposal you submitted months ago to ask why a prospect didn't choose you flies in the face of this.

Bottom line: You're in sales and marketing. 

Do your homework so that you have higher-level conversations. 

Ask better questions of yourself and your team. 

It's on you to deeply understand and know.

This is the way, A/E/C. 

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How to Open a Remarkable A/E/C Business Development Presentation

The best seller-doer teams in AEC use this presentation technique to win more bids.

They don't bury the lede.

The first few words out of your mouth or on paper must be the gem that resonates deeply with your prospect.

When you bury the lede, your main point is the needle in the haystack.

Prospects will quickly lose interest as you painfully try to articulate your message.

Every single trained news reporter and journalist lives and dies by "don't bury the lede." (Radio news reporter nerd here) 

Think about it. 

If the headline of a story doesn't grab your attention, you're onto something else. 

The same is true of an email subject line. 

Ask yourself and your team: What is THE most important reason we are in this meeting? 

♦Speak to that, and you'll be unstoppable.♦

Exceptional teams don't miss the mark or bury the lede. 

They are confident and competent communicators.

Decision-makers who look frustrated and distracted are...

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Putting a Price on Clarity

The one desire most people overlook is clarity.

Yes, we wish for a winning lottery ticket, good health, and peace in the world.

When thoughts, ideas, and minds are clear, life becomes easy.

Here's what I mean.

We confuse ourselves.

We overthink.

One of my former coaches calls it the Illusion of Confusion.

When your internal chatter is all over the map, your communication suffers.

Clarity and simplicity bring business and personal growth.

Clarity brings a sense of peace, internally and externally.

Clarity brings peace of mind.

Clarity brings confidence, clients, and exciting opportunities.

Confusion = Zilch.

Get clear on your expectations and the results you want.

Amazing things will begin to unfold.

I've been there more than once. I know.

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants