Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




To Improve Internal Communication in AEC, Start Here


Busy digging into new tech to reduce misunderstandings and unorganized data?

Slow down, Skippy.

Improving internal team communication is not the first step to managing projects efficiently.

This is where your firm must begin.

In this 2-minute video, I share the breakthrough communication strategy that successful AEC clients use.

It's internal, but not what you think it is! 

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How Are You Celebrating Your AEC Accomplishments?

You've seen the gazillion end-of-year lists. #ugh

From popular baby names to celebrity divorces, the media covers it all. 

Have you made your Top 10 List of Achievements in 2023?

I've been doing this for 20+ years, and I love it!

Give yourself permission to celebrate and honor your hard work.

Maybe you helped win a huge bid. Are you working with a mentor or coach? Maybe you earned your PE credential or spoke at a presentation (without feeling totally stressed.) 

Too often, we downplay our efforts and results.

Maybe you're like me and forget what happened in March!

So, in late December, I compile my Top 10 list.

I do one for work and one for my personal life. 

My professional list includes:

 ♦Delivering the opening keynote at a global A/E/C conference.

 ♦Rebranding the company website.

 ♦Helping countless A/E/C folks improve their communication with coaching and training.

Personal highlights include:


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How to Be More Engaging with Easy-to-Understand Data

Communication Tip: In Business Development presentations, help prospects grasp data.

For example, use round numbers.

If your engineering research shows 4.23 lumens, say "just over 4 lumens." 

Of course, you have the exact information. 

Still, people appreciate simplicity so they can easily digest numbers.

Round up or down as necessary so you don't confuse your prospects and audience.

Clarity is a beautiful thing.

Expending mental energy is a distraction. 

Keep their attention and break the specifics down when asked. 

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Competitors Have Solutions to Your AEC Communication Woes

Pulling together resources from different A/E/C offices and people was the theme of a CEO Roundtable I led yesterday. 

Each of the six attendees came in cold.

They didn't know who else was participating. Several are competitors.

They warmed up quickly.

I facilitated the free communication session for one reason.

There are pressing communication and leadership issues impacting the entire industry.

Leaders opened their hearts and minds to their peers about:

  • Mentoring staff AND getting work done
  • Attracting and retaining younger talent for the firms' future
  • Communicating effectively to build a positive culture
  • Teaching tech staff engaging ways to share processes in interviews

Each person brought a single question or challenge to pose to the group.

And each one was eager to be a resource. 

Creative solutions, success tips, and outside support brought fulfillment, individually and collectively.

Today, I celebrate these fearless architects,...

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Ghosting People Isn't a Form of Communication

Communication Tip:

Ghosting professional people isn't cool.

Especially those you know.

Don't read into this.

I don't have an axe to grind or a person in mind.

But I have been ghosted occasionally.

Sure, we're all busy.

Still, you DO have a split second for a quick acknowledgment or emoji.

And it takes 12 seconds to type: "I'm in the midst of a big project and deadline. Thanks for reaching out."

Common sense and courtesy go a long way.

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